Sooooooooooo I was talking to Mary earlier and I was showing her this IM convo i had last June about how I became a Red Sox fanand she told me i should post it so here I am posting lol it's written the way that I typed it in my IM so bear with me
Katie: wanna hear a sad story
friend: sure
once there was this lil girl
she didn't really know anything about baseball
but when she turned 8 her parents decided it would be good for her to play softball
so she got A LITTLE bit more interested in baseball
then she discovered Nomar and Pedro
and after that she discovered the Yankees
and Roger Clemens (version NY) and Derek Jeter
and well R&D always seemed to beat N&P
so she said well I like the Yankees cause they always win
but Nomar's my favorite cause he's cool
so this girl got a little older and when she was about 12 she kinda started paying attention more and like hey this is a kinda cool sport
then when she was 13 in 2003 she saw the ALCS and discovered Ruben Sierra (Yankee) now this girl had a friend named Siearra so she decided that if they were related it would be Siearra Sierra
and then the Yankees won
but it wasn't like nice for the little girl
she didn't feel good about that team
but whatever it's over now they lost to the Marlins in the 03 WS anyways sooooo she did all the normal winter stuff
sledding and whatnot
then in like April of 2004 this girl was at her aunts house chillen with her cousin and the red sox game was on
then this guy named Pokey Reese got up to bat
the girl and her cousin started cracking up
but then it all came back to the little girl, all the random players she'd heard of but ignored and this new guy with the wicked cool name
plus the memory of Cowboy Up! what that meant she never really knew but the girl just GOT it now
and so this girl said...
fuck the Yankees I like the red sox
so she got a red sox hat and the girl was never ever ever the same
she did cartwheels n her driveway when they beat the Yankees in 04 and then screamed and jumped like a psycho when they won the world series
and she was hooked
then 05 came and thing weren't that great but favorites left(Pokey, Dave Roberts, Orlando Cabrera, a bunch of other peeps) and new favorite emerged out of nowhere one in particular who was introduced by these people in the girls speech class this player?
Gabriel Stefan Kapler
he had left the sox but ended up coming back
of course there was also Billy Mueller the quite guy who everyone just loved
and Kevin Millar the loud mouth cowboy who was always acting like an idiot
oh speaking of idiots did I forget that guy that looked like Jesus but we won't talk about that
yea those were the days
anyways then in June Manny Ramirez decided he wanted to get traded AGAIN but he's crazy so everyone just pretended to try and trade him
not to mention the HUGE Dominican guy who make pitchers cry (David Ortiz) decided to get even better than he was
and then in the end of July along with the return of dear Gabriel came a new face (new to me at least)
a young guy who got drafted out of college in 03
he did great no one really noticed though cause Curt, Curt, my ankle hurts was making his return as well
aaaanyways 05 didn’t end up working well
and the 05-06 winter was very long
and kinda sadd
dear Theo Epstein quit and we lost the Jesus dude (Johnny Damon) to the enemy and everyone got a lil pissed
but it's ok cause they found a replacement The Chocolaty one
Coco Crisp(ies) and with a whole new infield 2006 came
06 started out as an angry year for the now 15 year old girl
with thoughts of betrayal by Mr. Damon
but the new guys made it better
so with a bunch of crazy fist pumps the guys started spring training
Josh Beckett a new pitcher came in looking like he was always ready to kick ass a long with his new bff Curt "my ankle doesn’t hurt anymore" Schilling
and the new guy from last July?
he's closing now
has an earned run average less than one and has 20 saves already
his name? Jonathan Papelbon
but this year is not all fun and games
there have been thoughts of ripping off faces and beating the crap out of people but we shall be ok
because the return of a great man is upon us
Gabe Kapler WILL BE BACK
the girl you've heard so much about?
her name is
Well I guess everyone has to start somewhere right?
and if you thought I was sane at all you've probably seen the light
So say what you will but I love this team a lot and that's that.
Monday, November 26, 2007
How I Became a Red Sox Fan
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4:54 PM
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GREAT STORY!!!!!!!! How are you guys?
thanks lol
we're good well Mary's sick but she'll get over it =D
oh is she better now? I have had some flu or something for about 5 days now!!!!!!
OK I DECIDED THAT KATIEE AND MARY are great people :) Okay maybe I just like you caue you are red sox fans and we seem to agree on alot of the same things HAHHA!:) but still :P
haha Mary's all better lol
and YAY
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