Ok a few posts back Mary did a top 12 list of reasons Jacoby needs to stay in Boston. She noted that Massachusetts has the ever amazing Mohawk Trail while Minnesota does not. In my commen t to that post I mentioned "a legit 100 foot Native American" well being the loser that I am over break I've been kind of bored and decided to find photographic evidence of this statue.
ok so you can't see the whole thing but seriously I'm short but I'm not that short my friend and I were only up to his knees!
The Mohawk Trail has some other cool stuff too.
Like my bff the bear
Giant teepees/wigwams
Super-pretty crater things where i wanna have a picnic
Pretty Rocks lol
plus a bunch of super cool other stuff that I don't have pictrues of. So yea basically Massachusetts is waaaaaaaay cooler than Minnesota and Jacoby has to stay.
oo and the other girl in the pictures is my other friend Mary not the one that writes here but she is equally awesome.
Friday, December 28, 2007
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3:35 PM
1 Are Made of Awesome
Monday, December 10, 2007
This is why I love my family.
So, I was in Connecticut all day. My Great-Uncle Harold had recently died and my parents and I went down to CT for the family-gathering (the funeral is tomorrow, but we can't make it).
ANYWAY... I was sitting on my second-cousin Steve's couch, talking to his brother (my second-cousin Ron), and we started talking about the Red Sox. Ron was telling me that his daughter, when she was little, was really into the Red Sox, and she went to a game with him and his wife. She was absolutely in Red Sox heaven... until the end of the first inning. She was saying "Ok, can we go home now?" and Ron went "Umm... that's only the end of the first inning. There's eight more left."
Aparently, she grew out of the baseball thing pretty soon after. I mean, she was really little. But up to that time, Ron was so happy that he had a daughter who was so into the Red Sox.
Then, this year, he said she got into them again.
The reason?
"I think that we owe it all to Jacoby. Really, that appeared to be one of the major factors in her watching the game. Now she loves them again."
I don't know which makes me happy more: Jacoby turning one of my female relatives into a Sox fan... or my female relative getting back into the Sox because of Jacoby.
Hell, I blame Dustin for my Sox-dom. Oh, and Katie.
My Great-Aunt was telling me that any time that we feel like coming down to Florida for a visit, that we could stay with her.
Now, by the way, she lives about ten minutes from where the Red Sox have their Spring Training.
I mentioned somewhere around the 14th of February, and she said "Yeah... that seems fine to me..."
This, my friends, could be an amazing spring.
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9:48 PM
Are Made of Awesome
You Can Call Me: jacoby ellsbury, spring training
For those of you who don't know what Jetman is... it's a highly addicting game on facebook. The Wikipedia article on it is here.
ANYWAY, as Katie was mindlessly playing it last night, and probably beating my high score, she got to thinking...
Katie: cant you just picture pedroia sitting for like hours playing jetman and he keeps like challenging jacoby and clay and beckett
Katie: but beckett sucks so he always write like in the challenges and hes like THIS GAME FUCKING BLOWS DICK
Katie: and like JETMAN IS A BITCH
-Johnny Cash distraction-
Katie: and you know becketts sitting listening to johnny cash while hes playing
Katie: and he keeps losing cause he starts air guitaring
Mary: HAHAHA and thinking he sees a deer over the monitor. i bet pap plays too with jet brew
Katie: hes like i wish they had jethunter
Katie: and clays like they should have jetfrog
Mary: awwwwwwwwww
Katie: but since they dont have jethunter beckett uses jetcow and pedroia is like they should have jetchipmunk but he uses jetbanana instead and jacoby just uses the regular one cause hes a loserrr.
Scibbled by
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11:44 AM
1 Are Made of Awesome
You Can Call Me: beckett, buchholz, dustin pedroia, jacoby ellsbury, jetman, Pap
Monday, December 3, 2007
Top 12 Reasons to Keep Jacoby in Boston.
Not only are Katie and I making amazing Red Sox lists today, but we are also listening to "Shipping Up to Boston", "Tessie" and "Sweet Caroline" on repeat.
This is why I hate the offseason, among other things.
I swear to god, that comment will spawn a list at some point....
But for now, follow the link to our Top 12 Reasons why Jacoby Needs to Stay With Boston...
1. Dustin would be too broken up about losing his best buddy that he wouldnt be able to play.
2. Minnesota is NOT for lovers.
3. He's become quite fond of the beach.*
4. New England has closer weather to Jacoby's home land than Minnesota, so we remind him of home.
5. Minnesota is no fun.**
6. Jacoby looks better in red.***
7. We have Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Harvard, and The Partiots.
8. We have more Taco Bells than Minnesota
9. We have some pretty damn cool Native American things that he can relate to. Minnesota does not. (IE: the mohawk trail)
10. Boston is SOO much easier to type than Minnesota****
11. We have better theme songs.
12. This would not be nearly as amusing without Jacoby.
*I only assume that he has become fond of the beach. Who wouldn't? They're pretty, and I bet he loves walking around in a bathing suit, showing off. You can't do that in Minnesota.
**Again, I only assume
*** When I was writing this, I asked Katie what Minnesota's colors were. Her reply:
Katie(2:24:16 PM): like dark blue and a lil bit of red
Katie(2:24:21 PM): and like gray and white
Katie(2:24:24 PM): they're a fucking mess
So basically reason number 6 and a half: At least we know what colors we are.
**** You have NO IDEA how many times I had to type "Minnesota" to get it right. We poor sox fans would get hand cramps trying to write it!
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1:56 PM
Are Made of Awesome
10 Things to do on a Snow Day
AKA 10 Things to do while Putting off my english homework for one more day.
10.Think of 10 reasons the Twins would be better off not trading Johan Santana for Jacoby Ellsbury or Clay Buchholz.
9.Wake up at 7 and wonder why on a regular school day you don't want to wake up but today you just can't sleep.
8.Read a book about Southie.
7.Check Boston.com every 10 minutes to make sure you didn't miss anything.
6.Watch Faith Rewarded...twice.
5.Listen to Christmas music and try to figure out what the hell you're going to buy your best friend for Christmas.
4.Not put your clothes away like your mother asked you.
3."Forget" about your homework...again.
2.Wonder why it's 20 degrees outside and 90 degrees in your room.
1.Write a list.
photo c/o Kelly O'Connor at sittingstill.net
Scibbled by
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11:27 AM
1 Are Made of Awesome
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Can I has prospects? K thx
Can't this Hot Stove stuff just be over?!?! I am completely attached to our prospects, mostly Ellsbury but I love the others too. I mean I went to Futures at Fenway this year and took like 20 pictures of Justin Masterson on my friends camera. And like Mary already said I don't want Lester traded I'd miss him too much. =(
This just saddens me. Ellsbury is young, wicked awesome, and SUPER fast. Plus he says the word "neat". Also, of course in the minds of Mary and I Jacoby and Pedroia are BEST BUDDIES! they're like the dynamic duo and with Buchholz with them they're just adorable. YOU CAN'T BREAK THAT UP!
In conclusion
Dear Red Sox,
Please don't do that to me.
Love always,
photo c/o Boston.com
Scibbled by
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11:01 PM
Are Made of Awesome
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Can i has lolz? plz?
k thx.
(follow teh linkage...)
Bask in teh glory that iz tonz of lols i has made.
Katie has made sum 2, but i 4get which ones is hers.
(Ok, it pains me to type like that, it truly does =P)
[All photos were from various places, including Katie's computer]
Scibbled by
on or about:
2:15 PM
Are Made of Awesome
You Can Call Me: dustin pedroia, jacoby ellsbury, lol, ortiz, pictures, youlk