I hate it when I do this.
It has been MONTHS since I decided to write in here.
This is because I am now almost entirely here in my LiveJournal.
I might still pop back in, but I don't promise it.
♥ Mary.
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008
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11:35 PM
Are Made of Awesome
Sunday, May 4, 2008
So, it was 1 AM this morning and what was I doing?
I was playing Oregon Trail.
And it's not just normal Oregon Trail.
It was Red Sox themed.
Jed Lowrie - Trail Leader
Jacoby Ellsbury
Jonathan Papelbon
Josh Beckett
Justin Masterson
So I tried to ford the river. It flooded and not only did I loose almost EVERYTHING, Josh also drowned.
I TOLD HIM not to play with that snake.....
Did I snicker?
Yes, yes I did.
Jed CEARLY has NO IDEA where we're going.
AKA he can't find Oregon.
AKA he can't find his own home.
Poor baby.
Once again, did I snicker?
Yes, yes I did.
Then, Firefox decides to CRASH on me and I don't get to finish.
But Jed was the only one who didn't get sick.
He just got us lost for 4 days.
And I bet he was smiling as he was trying to find his way back.
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9:36 PM
Are Made of Awesome
This made my day.
Since I fail at HTML, I shall have to provide you all with a link to the site in which this video resides.
So watch the video as I list the 4 best things about it:
1. Jed's reaction to being struck out (Does he EVER stop smiling??)
2. Papi's Jed impersination.
3. What Beckett does in his spare time, aparently.
4. The sunflower seed flicking
That camera is on them the whole game.
We the people deserve to be let loose on this footage.
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12:09 AM
Are Made of Awesome
You Can Call Me: beckett, dugout camera, Jed Lowrie, papi
Saturday, May 3, 2008
No Rain! No Rain!.... aw damn.
So rain delays always mess me up.
I tried my hardest to make it to the end of the game, but I lost it when Lugo came up in the... oh man I don't even remember which inning it was, but it was the end.
Them my mom started furiously shaking me and going "PAP'S UP PAP'S UP!" so I managed to wake up for that, but I was drifting.
I'll edit this post with anything amusing I may find later about last night's game.
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2:18 PM
Are Made of Awesome
Friday, May 2, 2008
A Burger for Clay Clay.
Rain delay.
So I ran to Grillicious, an amazing restaurant down the street.
I certainly hope that Clay Clay is going to appreciate this Texas Burger I'm consuming in his honour....
It's super delicious... but super messy.
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8:17 PM
Are Made of Awesome
You Can Call Me: buchholz
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I Had A Dream...
And it involved Jed Lowrie.
I don't know why, but I had to go to a banquet of some sort. I needed a date, so of course I asked my buddy Jed Lowrie if he wanted to go with me and be my friend/date thing.
So we went, and he sat to my right. And he was all adorable in hit suit and tie thinger.
And I kept trying to make him laugh/giggle so I could see his MASSIVE smile. *
And he kept laughing, and it kept making me very happy.
So this banquet turned into something different, and I was suddenly sitting with Sean Casey on my left, Pap across from me and Dustin to his left.
Pap and Dustin began to argue, and I tried to break it up but they kept going.
Jed was being all nice and trying to tell me to forget about it, but just as I was going to try again anyway, Pap picked up some of his food from his plate and threw it at Dustin.
He then retaliated and threw something at Pap.
I stood up and tried to get in between them, to stop them, but if I remember correctly, I got a piece of chicken in the face.
That's all I remember, but the main plot was getting Jed to giggle.
*Photo from sittingstill.net
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8:56 PM
Are Made of Awesome
You Can Call Me: dreams, dustin pedroia, Jed Lowrie, Pap
Monday, April 28, 2008
New Banner/Poor Tek
2 Orders of Business:
A new banner: we has one.
I got bored last night and made us a spiffy new banner.
Tell me what you think, if you feel so inclined.
Part Two:
Tek, honey, deary, love of the catching aspect of my life....GET SOME MORE SLEEP.
You should NOT, I repeat for emphasis, NOT be playing yet.
Don't try to hide your wheezing at the plate.
Those puffed out cheeks, induced by a big whoosh of air, do not mean "I'm blowing dust from in front of my face."
It means "I still kinda have bronchitis and should really be sleeping this off, not trying to crack a ball onto the green monster."
[More behind the jump]
That is not the appearence of a healthy man.
He still looks kinda pale/ashen/whatever you wanna call it.
Take this interview exert as exibit B:
""When Johnny left it with Tim and he asked me to come aboard, it's hard to turn down an old buddy like him, " Jason said is a still-hoarse voice during an interview with NESN's Hazel Mae on the course today."
He's still hoarse.
And he was golfing.
In the rain.
Tek, honey-kins, make some soup, or get Timlin to make it for you, and go lay down on the couch. Take a nap. Do a crossword puzzle. Watch some Fraiser.
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11:10 PM
Are Made of Awesome
You Can Call Me: varitek
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Why we love Pap, example #43
When I figure out how to make that an embeded player, I will.
But as usual, Katie interrupts my little spring cleaning in here with quite possibly the best piece of Papelbon GOLD I have ever seen.
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10:16 PM
Are Made of Awesome
You Can Call Me: Pap
A Fair Warning....
I'm going to be poking around in here for a little while tonight, fixing formating, backgrounds, etc.
So, if you come by and its all general messy chaos, that's why.
We will be back and functioning by morning =)
[End of Post]
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8:39 PM
Are Made of Awesome
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sox Endorsements
After Pap's recent Dunkin' ad, there are just so many other companies dying to get their hands on some Sox endorsements....
*original photo by Kelly O'Connor at sittingstill.net
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10:38 PM
Are Made of Awesome